- Schedule quarterly family conferences to discuss prodedures to follow in different kinds of emergencies.
- Hold practice drills.
- Post and memorize emergency telephone numbers.
- Assemble and store a survival kit containing:
- Flashlights and portable radio with extra batteries.
- First Aid Kit with manual.
- Crescent and pipe wrenches for turning off utilities.
- Emergency food and beverage, 3-day supply (nonperishable food, juices, and one gallon of water per person per day).
- Chlorine bleach for water purification.
- Fire extinguisher.
- Spare eyeglasses, prescribed medications, baby food, pet food, and special dietary foods.
- Manual can opener.
- Sanitation supplies; large plastic trash bags, soap, toothbrush and paste, feminine supplies, infant care items, toilet paper, newspaper and a camp shovel.
- Camping equipment; blankets, sleeping and cooking gear.
- Complete change of clothes for each person in the family.
- Learn First Aid.
- Establish a location for the family to reunite if members become separated.
- Arrange for a friend or relative in another town to be a communication contact for the extended family.
- Learn the emergency plan of the family's school, day care centers, workplaces, and clubs.
- Make a habit of tuning in to daily weather forecasts and be aware of changing conditions. The Emergency Broadcast System on commercial radio and TV stations will announce a WATCH if an emergency situation is expected and a WARNING if it is imminent or in progress.
- Learn Emergency Food and Water Procedures.
- Be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for up to five days.
- Take emergency drinking water from melting ice cubes, toilet tanks (not bowls) water heater, and canned fruits and vegetables.
- Don't drink municipal tap water, or water from any questionable sources, until it has been strained with a clean cloth and treated. To treat water add 10 drops of chlorine bleach to each gallon of water, mix well, and let stand for about 30 minutes.
- Freezer foods will last from 48-to 72-hours if the freezer is full and the door always stays closed.
- Discard all open food and beverages that could be contaminated.
- Eat perishable foods first. Cook on portable grills, only outdoors.
- Determine an evacuation route and with alternatives.
- Find out where main utility switches are and learn how to turn them off if they rupture and trained technicians aren't available.