- Be aware by recognizing danger. Have communication such as a radio, CB, or scanner. Use your senses. Panic spreads fast so when you feel threatened like your hair standing on end and the adrenalin working. Take action. Fight down the panic and stay calm.
- Get away-stay out of harm's way. Avoid trouble areas and/or dangerous parts of cities. Move away from dangerous cities.
- Avoid confrontation and try go around potential problems. Have an escape route that you have selected ahead of time. Remember, "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword." You might end up the target of a person's built up anger even though you are not a part of the problem.
- Act like the natives. Try to blend in so you don't attract attention. Be careful of what you wear. Be aware of your surroundings.
- Hide equipment/supplies away from your home. Have a retreat or place where you can escape to as a safe haven. As governments get more totalitarian they make the citizens outlaws by banning things like gun or gold. Bury things or have them hidden away.
- Learn to defend yourself. Choose an art that is compatible to your beliefs such as karate, aikido, mace, pepper spray, or shooting. If you face trouble head on, you should resist with everything possible in a life or death situation.
- Don't get involved in mobs or mob behavior. They become mindless and objectivity is lost.
- Crushed in a crowd? Self preservation is the key. Try to ride it out like a bouy in the sea. If caught in a crowd surge, stay away from anything solid like a wall, barrier, or pillar. Keep hands out of pockets and loosen tie.